English-German Phrasebook

Phrases in German for Making Acquaintance, Writing Letters, Sightseeing, Holidays, Food and Drink, Arrangments, Congratulations and Wishes, etc...



Meeting People 
  1. Making Acquaintance | Bekanntschaft
  2. Greetings and Parting - Begrüßung und Abschied
The Formulas of Politeness
  1. German Phrases for Apology | Entschuldigung 
  2. German Phrases for Gratitude | Dankesbezeigung   Phrases for gratutude in German.
  3. Congratulations and Wishes in German | Gratulationen und Glückwünsche
  In the City
  1. Asking for Directions (in German) | In der Stadt  Basic German Words and Phrases for Asking How To Get There 
  2. Problem Phrases in German  Problems | Can you help me in German 
  At the Hotel
  1. German Phrases for Hotel At the Hotel | Im Hotel  Useful German phrases and words to use at hotels; Need - Bedürfnisse; Hotel complaints - Hotel-Beschwerden 
  1. Consulting a Doctor | Besuch beim Arzt   
  2. Illnesses and Its Symptoms | Krankheiten in Englisch (vocabulary) 
  3. At the chemist's | In der Apotheke

  4.  ***
    Common Questions in German – Allgemeine Fragen Interrogative words and expressions – Fragewörter und Frageausdrücke